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WC Poster


Tournament Dates:

February 14th - 16th, 2025

Haynes Pavilion at the Gallatin County Fairgrounds

Three Divisions:

OPEN Division
REC Division
Intermediate Division
Each team is allowed only two players from the league above.
(Example: In the REC Division you are allowed to roster two Power players. In the Intermediate Division you are allowed to roster two Rec players. Your goalie is allowed to be rostered as one of your two "ringers." Players that are cross rostered will automatically default to the highest league of regular season play. VHW players are considered IVY level.)


$1,300.00 per team

Roster and Fees due by Wednesday, February 5th, 2025.

ALL rosters need to include:

First and Last Names, USA Hockey numbers, highest league that you play regular season in and shirt size.

Email all rosters to:

Stephanie Self at

Option to Pay In Full with a credit card at checkout or Pay Offline by mailing a check to the following address by Wednesday, February 5th, 2025. Check will not be cashed until after the event.

Bozeman Amateur Hockey Association
PO Box 6414
Bozeman, MT 59771

Register Now

2024 Winter Classic Winners!

Thank you to all who participated.


Meat Longs - Open Division, Idaho Budmen - Rec Division, and Saints - Intermediate Division