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Volunteer Information

Volunteer Information

The Bozeman Amateur Hockey Association is always looking for volunteers to help with everything from rink set-up to manning the concession stand during IceDogs games. A hockey association can use people with many different skills, not just hockey. If you would like to help, let us know what your skills are. From documentation, to website programming, to communication, to artist, and obviously hockey.


BAHA is always looking for qualified coaches for all ages of hockey teams to help out with the teams. Coaches must be willing to go through USA Hockey training courses as well as spend time teaching the kids necessary hockey skills.

We have different levels of skaters. For the beginning skaters you do not need to have exceptional hockey skills to coach, as these kids are just learning to skate.

As the kids get more skilled so does the need for skilled coaches.

If you are interested in getting on the ice and coaching, let us know your ability and also how much time you would be available. Perhaps you would like to work with the kids all season, or maybe you would want to fill occasionally.

Whatever your level of interest let us know by emailing us at


Every year volunteers are needed to help with Annual Set-Up and Take Down. Volunteers need to just have a desire to help, e-mail us around that time to help,

If interested in helping or just want to volunteer an idea please email us at


Like spreading the word to potential players? Help out with recruiting!

Have an idea for bringing new players into the association; send us an email at


We are looking for members to help find local business that want to donate to Bozeman Amateur Hockey.

Know of a business that may be interested contact us by email at

For more information or to volunteer for any of those positions please e-mail us,