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Figure Skater Code of Conduct

All skaters, coaches and parents (or guardians) are expected to be respectful towards each other and follow the policies listed below as well as general ice arena policies. Freestyle sessions are for teaching and practicing. Skaters and coaches are expected to work cooperatively to share the ice space without disrupting each other.

  • Only skaters who have paid are permitted to use the ice during freestyle ice times.

  • Coaches teaching private lessons do so at the discretion of the Skating Director. Guest coaching is permitted only with prior approval from the Skating Director. Video lessons are not allowed.

  • Skaters and coaches must wait for the Zamboni doors to close before taking the ice and will promptly exit the ice when the Zamboni doors open.

  • All skaters, coaches, and parents are expected to refrain from disruptive, offensive, abusive behavior or language (this includes playing inappropriate music).

  • Skaters are not permitted to wear personal headsets of any kind while skating. Coaches may use hand held music systems.

  • During busy sessions, music should be placed in line in the score-keeper’s box and is to be played by the skater or coach on a first come/first serve basis. Coaches can run their music ahead of skaters who are waiting. Coaches typically have good judgment and are encouraged to use it when cutting in line.

  • Only skaters and coaches are allowed on the players’ benches and in the score-keeper’s box.

  • Music may not be started within the last three minutes of a freestyle session.

  • When running their program with music, skaters have the right of way on the ice. For skaters playing their program music multiple times per session, good judgment is to be used with respect to right of way.

  • Harness use is permitted during freestyle sessions only, and not on Public Sessions.

  • All session times are subject to change. Reasonable notice of changes will be posted when possible.

Parents and Guardians are held to a higher standard than our youth community members. 

Here is a link to a Code of Conduct for Parents and Guardians 

Parents or skaters who violate the code of conduct will be referred to the Disciplinary Action Committee, who will establish appropriate consequences based on the GIF Disciplinary Action Framework.

The following Parent Guides, published by US Figure Skating, are provided to offer additional guidance.

Let's all do our best to keep the sport fun for everyone!

Vol 1 parent guide

Vol 2 parent guide

Vol 3 parent guide