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Record year for Fundraising

Posted On: Nov 23, 2020

Although many of our partners have had to table some of their donations and commitments, we raised almost $600,000 this year for capital improvements. We purchased a new scoreboard for the Haynes Pavilion. We also installed a 3rd compressor for the ice plant allowing us to open 2-3 weeks earlier than normal. We also built a huge community of interested parties and investors to help complete the multi-million dollar arena project.

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The Need

The first seasonal ice rink in Bozeman was founded more than 40 years ago. Bozeman’s ice community and youth programs have grown to their limit and now we need a year-round ice facility. We want to provide Bozeman and particularly our youth access to year-round ice for the next 40 years!


The Dream - a finished arena

The “Finish the Ice Barn” campaign will complete a world-class, year-round ice arena in the heart of Southwest Montana. The facility will put Bozeman, Montana, on the national stage as a destination ice rink with quick access to Yellowstone Park and will provide our local members access to ice all year. We will have ice shows during the summer, more than 50 public hockey games annually, youth camps, adult clinics, tournaments, and year-round fun! It will be great!

Then, enter COVID-19

Like so many other public facilities around Montana and the rest of the country, COVID-19 has been terrible for our revenues. Concessions are closed and we have had to space out on-ice programs by an additional 30 minutes so that folks can enter and exit the building safely without interacting. We hired an additional cleaning crew, purchased more cleaning equipment, and got a COVID-19 operations plan approved by the County Health Board. Click here for the "Return to Ice Sports" guide.

That being said, all of our programs are full or nearing capacity. We have kept operating and kept our programs running during these tough times. That is our mission. It's a challenge but we are succeeding. It's really important for our youth programs to continue to grow and strengthen. This year is proving to have its ups and downs, but we will continue to provide quality ice recreation in a safe facility for the Bozeman public and our various clubs.

Advertise or Donate Now

As we near the end of 2020, some of you may be looking for ways to contribute and give back to our incredible Bozeman community. We have a couple of options:
1. We sell rink advertising if you have a business and want to get your brand out there. Click here for advertising and sponsorship information. All proceeds help fund rink operations and programs.
2. Give to the "Coolest Place in Town". Our website has a "Donate Now" button or you can click here. Gallatin Ice is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit with EIN 20-5748563 and all cash donations are tax-deductible.
